
Stoughton Trailers Receives $316,941 in Energy Incentives for Production Facility Projects

February 19, 2016

Stoughton Trailers celebrated the completion of several major energy-saving projects in its production facilities on Friday, Feb. 19, with a lunchtime open house, where the company was presented with a check for $316,941 in energy incentives.

Those in attendance included the mayors of Stoughton, Wis., Evansville, Wis., and Brodhead, Wis., all communities which are home to Stoughton Trailers facilities; executives from the local utility companies in each of the three communities; representatives from the statewide Focus on Energy program; Stoughton Trailers executives and staff; and members of the media. The incentives were made possible through a partnership with Stoughton Trailers, Stoughton Utilities, Brodhead Water & Light, Evansville Water & Light, WPPI Energy (the three utilities' wholesale power supplier) and Focus on Energy.

"Stoughton Trailers has made a number of investments totaling more than $10 million in the last year to improve employees' health and safety on the job while also increasing production efficiency and reducing energy costs," said President Bob Wahlin. "We consider our workers our greatest asset and want to do all we can to make Stoughton Trailers a great place to work. We will continue to use the dollars we've earned in incentives to complete more projects that benefit our workers and reduce our company's carbon footprint."


The Friday event included a tour of one of the Stoughton manufacturing centers to showcase some of the recent investments, most notably the addition of RoboVent air filtration equipment in the welding areas.


View the press release about the energy incentives here.

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